Slave Fetish Vhs Funny Movie Cover

Black Rage


Release Date

November 19, 2014

Running Time


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The Cinema Snob checks out this truly AWFUL film from 1974, whose most entertaining aspect is its ridiculous box cover.


The Cinema Snob: Hey, you know that movie where writer-director Chris Robinson, a white guy, cast himself as an albino black man, who with his black brother, escapes from a slave master in order to search for buried treasure? No? Well, then perhaps you should stop watching this video, because I'm pretty sure your life is WAY BETTER NOT KNOWING ANY FUCKING THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE!


Snob: Black Rage, considered by many to be one of the worst slavery films ever made, is also known for this...

Cut to the Front Row Entertainment tape cover

Snob (VO): ...ridiculous VHS cover in which people have asked if it's the most racist cover of all time. Short answer, (Poster for The Birth of a Nation) no. There are more racist covers than Black Rage, (Back to the Black Rage box) but what's this say? (Zoom in on the tagline) "When you're a slave, you only have one weapon?" (Cut to the model's fists) Uh, make that two. (And to the strangling of a white man on the back cover) Everyone knows slavery was ended by opening up a can of whoop-ass. (Pan across the cover) I don't see anything racist about this. This man ended slavery with fisticuffs, goddamnit!

Snob: And I promise you that that cover is the most entertaining thing about this movie!

Opening titles, with an obvious later-day video title reading "BLACK RAGE" placed over the film footage

Snob (VO): Unless you count the obvious alternate title card placed over it, because the (Cut to a poster) original release titles were Catch the Black Sunshine (..and its IMDb page) and Charcoal Black!

Snob: Which is exactly what the filmmakers received in their Christmas stockings that year!

Zoom out from the VHS box

Snob (VO): If the box cover is what gets you pumped up to see some slave owners meet the side of a fist, (Cut to film footage) then you're gonna be incredibly disappointed, but at least that gets you more excited than the theme song!

Mel Carter: When the road seems longer/Than a road should be

Snob: Then perhaps you've made a wrong fucking turn!

Snob (VO): Even the movie doesn't give a shit about this song! (The title fades in) Look at this!

Mel: So catch the black sunshine... (Hard cut to "Written, Produced and Directed by CHRIS ROBINSON")/Follow your dreams

Snob: That wasn't me cutting off the song, that was an ACTUAL EDIT IN THIS FILM!

Our protagonists, Levi (Anthony Scott) and Sunshine (Robinson) are first shown; "1859" fades in over it

Snob (VO): See? Look! A white guy and a black guy can get along in the 1800s, so long as there's chicken bones involved, and so long as they're both brothers when one of them is an albino named, I kid you not, Sunshine, and the black black guy's name is Levi!

Snob: It's like someone dared Chris Robinson to make a blackface film without using any makeup!

Snob (VO): Levi and Sunshine have found a map to buried treasure, which is of interest to their slave master, played by none other than Ted Cassidy, (Cut to a still of...) AKA Lurch from The Addams Family, and who was apparently Richard Kiel in his downtime. (Close-up of the map) Huh, this is that prequel to Blair Witch that we never got. And if you think Sunshine is a stupid name, his original name was Powder! (Levi and Sunshine fight Striker, the slave master) After attacking Lurch and bopping a cameraman on the head, Levi and Sunshine escape with the map, and it's like they listened to the soundtrack to Roots and didn't think it was funky enough.

As Levi and Sunshine run across the forest, a prominent bass is heard throughout the score

Snob: Don't worry, the soundtrack is better than most of the dialogue!

Sunshine: No, master... NO MORE! (Levi runs off) LEVI!'s this way, ain't it? (Levi walks back towards Sunshine)

Snob: I'm not really scared for this situation, seeing how if somebody stops them, it could easily go like this: "Are you white?" "Yes." "Do you own this?" "Yes." "Okay, move along."

Striker gets up

Snob (VO): Since Lurch didn't die from one tap with a shovel, he is pissed.

Striker: Levi and that white n***** brother of his just went for a little walk. Nothin' serious.

Snob (VO): Oddly enough, he'd probably rather be called that than Sunshine. (Back to Levi and Sunshine) This movie is just like The Defiant Ones, if Tony Curtis were playing Curtis Mayfield! (Cut to Sunshine helping Levi out of the river) And is it racist that the white one is a much better swimmer? Seems like they should be easy to find, (Cut to a hunter) just sniff out Sunshine's white hair dye!

Hunter: Judas.

Snob: Yes, this is just like the story of Judas, if Jesus beat Judas and forced him into slavery!

Snob (VO): Wait a minute, he's not black at all! He's Stephen Lang! Lurch wanders into a bar that looks as dirty as their assholes, and I question the obvious cut when they're drinking!

As a bar patron grabs a jug, it's taken away from him, and another patron laughs, then we see an obvious cut to the patron holding the jug

Snob: What was cut from there? I'm almost too scared to ask, because I'm worried that it's just five minutes of ass-picking.

The bar patron has the jug taken away from him

Snob (VO): Too bad; I wanted to see more of redneck DJ Qualls! (Cut to...) The bartender looks like he's wearing homeless clown makeup, only they used the white face paint for Sunshine's hair! (A full plate is shown) And this is the first movie that when I say the food looks like hot garbage, I fucking mean it.

Snob: Ohhhh, you wanna hear more dialogue?

The bartender (Robert Leslie) and another patron just laugh while Striker looks on

Snob: Well, they couldn't stop laughing when they read the script, so they just wrote it into the movie.

Snob (VO): And boy, does this movie know how to end a scene!

Bartender: Ah, shut up!
Patron 2: You wouldn't have this place if you knew how to--
Bartender: Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Patron 2: You--

As he throws a glass in the patron's face, we cut to him and Striker in the river

Snob (VO): Well, the scene was drowning in its own stupidity, so might as well show them drowning! Lurch has hired these men to track down Levi and Sunshine, (Cut to two dogs in the river, sniffing them out) and I think they're getting close!

As we hear a jawharp, Levi and Sunshine make a run for it

Snob: Either that or Snoopy's chasing them!

Snob (VO): The only thing that's harder to look at than this film is actual slave photos! But it's still a better movie than Fled. (Far-away shot of the two running) Seriously, this is that ugly of a film to look at. EVERY FRAME looks like it's suffering from cholera! (A water snake swims away) After Sunshine is bitten by a snake, they happen upon a misunderstanding!

Sunshine gets hit

Tribesman: What were you doing with a white man out here, Jim?
Levi: Eh, white? He's an albino n*****!

Snob: Just say he's an albino, or say what he really is: WHITE!

Snob (VO): They're taking him to Navin Johnson's house. When this white guy says he was born a poor black child, he actually means it! Okay, now your makeup is starting to look offensive; but we gotta suck out that poison!

The woman does so, with Levi looking shocked; when she's done, she spits it out

Snob: Nice to know she's a spitter, I guess; maybe that's why she talks so slow.

Levi: How soon?
Woman: Oh, he'll be fine as soon as he wakes up. Received some knocks on the head. More so than bites.

Snob (VO): This movie is so lifeless the second half of it is gonna be long since dead and buried!

Snob: Apparently, they're in a safe place because people never go there. Or maybe they do, I don't fuckin' know.

Levi: I thought you said no one come in here.
Tribesman: Well, most don't, but sometime they do.

Snob: So people come there, then, got it.

Nighttime, with a fire visible

Snob (VO): Will some of these people please bring lighting?

Sunshine: Let's take 'em there and surprise them.
Levi: No, no-no-no. It's too dark; there's no room. Unless... moving across the water, they won't be hearing us.

Snob: I'm gonna assume that flame was talking to us, and I'm gonna translate that it was telling us to TURN OFF THE FUCKIN' MOVIE!

Daytime, and the villagers flee

Snob (VO): I guess all you needed to remember is that sometimes people get in there, and rape and murder you! Such a safe haven this place is!

Bartender: (Gets kicked in the groin) You... (Stammers, then shoots the woman)

Snob: ...why are you cutting back to me? I've got nothing funny to say here; this movie is seriously ruining my fucking day!

Striker puts a gun against the bartender's cheek

Snob (VO): "Oh, does you have standards?" "We do, as in slave people against their will and beat the shit out of them! But we're not monsters! We're willing to help out an old man, as long as he'll give us information!"

Bartender: Come. (Immediately cut to the old man getting shot and the bartender whimpering)

Snob: You know, this movie is called Black Rage, but the only emotion it's giving its audience is FUCKING RAGE! THIS MOVIE IS SO FUCKING BLEAK IT MAKES FAREWELL UNCLE TOM LOOK LIKE SONG OF THE SOUTH !

Snob (VO): Long story short, never trust Larry Fine when you're bounty hunting! (Cut back to Levi and Sunshine) Our heroes escape, and I can buy Pierre Kirby as a ninja, but sorry, I'm definitely not buying him as a black man! Don't be surprised if that chicken is supposed to be an albino cow! (The bounty hunters shoot the tribesman) And this is what you get for going along for the two main characters! You're gonna be the one who gets killed! (Cut to a tiger in the water with the tribesman) Good thing that tiger is there to save him! (Sunshine prepares to raft him and Levi to safety) I actually think I get it now. This is just like Huckleberry Finn, you know, if Huckleberry Finn was also called an offensive name! (Striker and his men go out to watch the sunset) This movie makes a sunset next to a lighthouse look as ugly as a nuclear explosion! The sun is so ashamed at what it's shining down on that it doesn't even wanna supply light to their faces! (Cut to a thunderstorm scene) Look at this, it doesn't even want them to shoot day-for-night! And even in the worst movies, the sun lets them shoot day-for-night! (Cut to Striker and his men on an island) In the middle of all of this, I guess they made it to Hawaii. Is that where Levi and Sunshine are going?

Striker: We're going a little ahead south! ...they're only going one place.

Snob (VO): The Waffle House. (Cut to Levi, with someone's foot on his neck) That is, if they can make it past some white boys! (Cut to a long-haired man) I knew Brad Pitt wasn't to be trusted in 12 Years a Slave!

Marauder 1: What are you doing hanging around with that man?
Marauder 2: Yeah-eah?
Sunshine: ...he's my brother.
Marauder 1: And I'm your black man!
Sunshine: He's my brother. I'm a white n*****.

Snob: Don't tell him that, tell him you own the dude! It'll save you from getting raped, Ned Beatty-style!

Cut to the people sawing a log

Snob (VO): I guess all these guys do together all day is saw things! And I'm sure somehow, they could even make that incestuous! (Cut to two men chopping a tree) "I'll teach YOU to make eyes at my daughter! She's MY girl!" (Cut to...) Levi and Sunshine get revenge by destroying their house shack.

The shack collapses; cut to a figure in the woods

Snob: This movie is so cheap that I'm just going to assume that was a real on-set accident.

The bartender fights

Snob (VO): Hell, I'm not even sure this movie could afford stunts, since it cuts when this guy trips, but at least we know he eventually landed in some shit. (They eventually find Levi and Sunshine) This is like someone watched the climax to any women in prison movie ever and decided to make a whole movie out of it, only with white black people! (Close-up of the bartender) I don't even know why this guy needs treasure; as filthy and rednecky as he is, he still has perfect teeth! (Cut to Levi and Sunshine in a bog) Oh, and this is actually the inside of the actors' trailer.

Snob: Oops, sorry. Do you wanna see the entirety of that scene? Well, okay. Here it is.

Levi and Sunshine sit in the bog for awhile before getting up and leaving

Snob: Well, they may cut the movie's theme song, but thank God they left in the "sitting in the swamp" scene!

Back to Striker

Snob (VO): And whatever dialogue there is is mostly hard to hear.

Bartender: Hey, big man!

Snob: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hey, let's not make use of the B-word.

Snob (VO): I'm not kidding either when I say the only good thing about this movie is Ted Cassidy, who throughout all of this stupid redneck bullshit, still manages to be intimidating and scary!

Striker: ...shot who I am and you are the help. That's how I'll come back. So far he's cost me about half of a day's travels with an expert on these. And to top it all off, he smells like the underside of a saddle; now why him? You have others, why him?!
Bartender: He has his value.
Striker: Not to me, he don't.

Snob: I'm just saying, I would not want that guy chasing me. I would probably be dead.

The title card zooms out

Mel: Run with the wind/Maybe you'll find the rainbow

Commercial break

Snob (VO): Hell, the other actors look like they don't know the difference between a knife and a chocolate bar! (Cut to...) Levi and Sunshine make it to beautiful New Salem, Illinois! (They walk in on a couple having sex) You can tell because there's people bangin' in the cabins.

Snob: Never mind the whole race thing; it's hard to believe they're both brothers when one talks like this...

Sunshine: We gonna get us some chickens and you gonna stay right here. Ain't that right, little white boy?

Snob: And the other one like this.

Levi: Look at 'em. Goat. Piggy. Butts!

Snob: I'm just saying that for two people who were raised together, one of them sounds like they at least got an education somehow!

Sunshine sneaks over to the gate and opens it

Snob (VO): But anyone looks stupid when they're chasing chickens with silly music playing!

Sunshine chases after the chicken, with a fiddle-and-jawharp tune in the background

Snob (VO): Oh-hh good, Paul Henning showed up to set the rest of it in Hooterville! Got to admit that's a step up! (Sunshine takes a bike and the chicken, and he and Levi lift it over the fence) Except when shenanigans occur and they don't know how to get a bike over a fence! (A hunter shoots at them while they run with the bike) Then when getting shot at, they just run with the damn thing! What the hell is going on here?!

The farm owner attacks the hunter in the mud

Snob: Ooh, I guess any time of day is a good time for pink belly!

Levi and Sunshine continue to push the bike across the forest, with the chicken in tow

Snob (VO): You know, if you're not gonna ride that bike, just let it go! It seems to be slowing you down! (They trip and fall in the water) Actually, they do end up leaving the bike behind, and the chickens they stole, (Cut back to Sunshine chasing the chicken) making this previous scene fucking pointless! (Striker and his hunters arrive at the scene) Except that it leaves a trail for Lurch and his men!

The bartender picks up a twig off the bike, eats it, and then tosses it aside

Snob: Oh, what did you think that was, idiot?!

Back to Levi and Sunshine at the swamp

Snob (VO): Tonight, the role of Kunta Kinte will be played by John O'Hurley! (Cut to an isolated cabin) Ah, excellent, they found another cabin!

Someone shoots at Levi and Sunshine, and they both jump into the water

Snob: I'm starting to think that all houses were built back then to shoot at people!

Cut to an unknown female character

Snob (VO): Oh hey, maybe this lady can help.

Sunshine: Can you tell us where we are?
Woman: No.

Snob: 'Kay, or not. So much for this scene going anywhere!

Sunshine: Never mind the deputy sheriff, he was... huntin' for some escaped criminals. And my boy here's been helpin' me.

Snob: Great, you're just now figuring out how to use that as a cover, against someone who you could definitely take in a fight! And while Sunshine is smooth with the ladies, Levi has other priorities!

As Sunshine pours swamp water out of his boot

Levi: I found them! I found them! (Cut to the woman looking at Levi, followed by him holding up two dead chickens)

Snob: Heh-heh-heh-hah, he found them chickens, heh! It's not racist if his brother is in whiteface blackface!

The three have dinner

Snob (VO): While they spend the night with the lady, I'm glad that (A thunderstorm starts) God shows up to put a stop to this film (A lamp falls over, starting a fire) and... wait, I just wanted the film to be stopped! I don't want people to die! When I said this movie should go to Hell, I didn't mean literally! (The trio runs out of the burning cabin) Well, we did all we could to stop the fire. (They watch as the cabin explodes) And by that, I mean we ran outside and watched it blow the fuck up, because apparently it was full of dynamite! (Cut to them in a pond the next day, as the storm rages on) And I'm not sure standing in the middle of a pond during a typhoon is your next best option! Hey buddy, here's an idea: MOVE!

Snob: And if you wanna see something really gross for no reason whatsoever, here.

Cut to the bartender lying down in a nest of bugs. He flicks some off and scratches his nose. Then, he wakes up, sees what he's in, and screams while sitting up

Snob: I don't know what he's so scared of; it was just the catering!

Snob (VO): At this point, Ted Cassidy really looks like he's having none of this movie, or its characters.

The bartender laughs at Striker, who just silently glares at him

Snob: I'm on Ted Cassidy's side. Just because that guy is gross doesn't mean he has to keep reminding us; we know!

Back to Levi, Sunshine, and the woman in the water

Snob (VO): I'm still not sure why this girl is tagging along; perhaps she's an albino Indian! Maybe that's what's being said in the middle of these awkward cuts!

After a shot of scenery, they walk through a forest, and it makes an abrupt cut to them outside of it

Snob: Ahhh, I get it. When the road seems longer than the road should be, just put in an edit! We'll get there a lot sooner!

A jungle attacker shows up

Snob (VO): And splice Cannibal Holocaust into it for some reason!

Levi grabs him by the legs, and Sunshine pins him down as well, all while the woman watches; once they're finished, they all run off

Snob: Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh, I don't know why that happened!

Levi pushes a canoe onto the water, and Sunshine and the woman help him

Snob (VO): If the bicycle was any indication, they'll keep pushing this boat without actually riding in it! (Cut to Levi and Sunshine rowing the canoe) Oh, I was wrong. There's one thing in this movie that actually makes sense! Unlike the SOUNDTRACK!

A gentle folk tune begins

Judy Collins Soundalike: Winter makes the bed for spring to nestle in the arms of quiet summer days...

Snob: You know, I always said that the music of the Newport Folk Festival goes along perfectly WITH SLAVERY!

Judy Collins Soundalike: I lay me down with you

Snob: Oh, and the song is totally about fucking!

Over shots of nature

Snob (VO): If you wanna play me this kind of love theme, I'm gonna expect the Fouke Monster to come out of these woods! That is, until the lyrics stop!

As the trio continues down the river, the singer just sings "La-la-las" over the tune

Snob: I see that both the song and the movie has run out of shit to say!

Cut to a man in dusty clothes, a hat, and an eyepatch

Snob (VO): Look! Snake Plissken even shows up! Expect him to do anything? Well, you're shit outta luck, (As he pulls out a gun, we cut back to Sunshine and the woman) just like this so-called romance! She can now please her jungle fever while not pissing off her parents! (Sunshine makes an unfortunate discovery while searching their canoe) Or not, because the next scene shows that the bones to their map has been stolen. Was it the girl who did it? (Cut to the eyepatch man) Was it this dude? (Sunshine runs from a village fire) Who knows, because neither are in the fucking movie anymore! (Levi and Sunshine push the canoe back onto water) And now they're off, to die in the ocean! (Back on land, they run for the hunters) Oh, no, wait, they made it somewhere where the hunters are already waiting for them! (As the bartender aims his gun, Striker grabs it and pins him to the ground) So I guess they didn't need the map to begin with! Finally, this guy is just too much to take, so Ted Cassidy does what I wish he did hours ago, (Cut to a bloody hand) and stabs the fuck out of him!

Snob: I never thought I'd say this, but thanks, slave master! I hear that in the slave owner's next life, he is fantastic at reviewing movies at midnight!

At the river, a standoff between one of the hunters, Striker, and Sunshine begins

Snob (VO): This standoff is like The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, if there was NOTHING FUCKING GOOD ABOUT IT! The bad guys got the gun, but Sunshine has got the map! What's gonna happen?

Sunshine: YOU'LL NEVER FIND IT WITHOUT THIS! (He tosses the map into the water, and as he runs off, the hunter shoots him dead and he falls into the water)

Snob: Pfft. Figures. The black guy never makes it to the end of the movie.

Striker helps Levi out of the water

Snob (VO): At this point, Lurch actually appears sympathetic towards Levi, and even helps comfort him while help move his brother to shore, meaning at least one character has an arc in this film, and it's the VILLAIN! But the bigger question is, do they find the treasure?

Levi looks on, and the end credits begin

Mel: Catch the black sunshine

Snob: Ohhhh, FUCK OFF!

A rather unappealing shot of Robert Leslie

Snob (VO): Nice dignified shot there of your characters! A driver's license photo is more appealing!

Snob: I don't know who the fuck thought this was a good idea! This is one of the ugliest, most ill-conceived, incompetent, most depressing pieces of dreck that I've had to watch for this show! And I got the SHORT version!

A shot of a bar patron

Snob (VO): The reason there's so many awkward cuts is that while the Black Rage version runs 90 minutes, (Poster) the original Catch the Black Sunshine version ran 102 minutes!

Snob: Ohh, DOUBLE fuck off!

Shots of Sunshine

Snob (VO): There is seriously no reason why Sunshine is white! It BARELY comes into play in this film! I think the only reason he's white is because the production team didn't know that many black people! (Cut to the bartender) And if you think it's just me spewing shit at this movie, look at this! (IMDb review titled "The movie that makes Thomas Edison wish he'd never invented motion pictures! *SPOILERS INCLUDED (but do you really want to watch this?)*") Even the IMDb users state that this would make (Close-up of the title) Thomas Edison wish he'd never invented motion pictures!

Snob: Sorry, Citizen Kane; your existence is a noble sacrifice for the non-existence of Black Rage.

More user reviews

Snob (VO): Multiple users have called it "the worst film I have ever seen," (A two-star review is shown) which I guess means this guy has never given anything under 2 stars out of 10! (Review: "So bad it almost killed my friend!") But the worst comes from DaWeaves98, who claims that the movie is so bad, (Close-up of the headline) it almost killed his friend!

Snob: Hear that? Watching this movie is as deadly as a loaded gun!

A shot of Sunshine

Snob (VO): But that didn't stop actor Chris Robinson attempting to make another movie, (VHS cover for...) when in 1974, he brought us Convict Women, (Still shots from the film) the story of a group of female escaped convicts who wander through the swamps and are chased by murderous rednecks, and also features Ted Cassidy?

Snob: What the fuck? So this guy just had a fetish for being chased by rednecks through swamps, I guess!

The VHS cover

Snob (VO): I certainly hope you got your black rage worth, if by "black rage" you mean (Cut to the ending) "crying over your dead brother while a slave master comforts you!"

Snob: This movie proves that the worst thing to come out of slavery was... okay, uh... even I can't be that hyperbolic. This movie is... uh... it's not worse than slavery. But still, TWO STARS OUT OF TEN!

Rider: Where's your horse, Striker?
Striker: You're sittin' on it. (He pushes him off the horse and walks away)

End of video


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